Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Full Spectrum Strategy

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12.       Full Spectrum Strategy: Utilizes the full circle of spectral colors with at least five base hues that represent the full spectrum of chromatic hues.

Dudley's, Brier. Realms1-thumb-608x328. Digital image. Brier Dudley's Blog. The Seattle Times Company, 
2011. Web. 11 Dec. 2012.

This full spectrum strategy because ittilizes the full circle of spectral colors with at least five base hues.

Achromatic/Chromatic Mix:

here is the next strategy

11.       Achromatic/Chromatic Mix: Use of dominant Achromatic colors (black, white, gray, Full Range of Neutrals) with a chromatic hue accent.

Weintraub, Steve F. Star_Trek_video_game_Concept_Art-2. Digital image. Http:// 
TopLingo, 2005-2012. Web. 11 Dec. 2012.

This Achromatic/Chromatic Mix because of the the brown and grays with a chromatic hue accent.

Saturation Key/Saturation Contrast

10.       (A) Saturation Key: Hues may vary in this strategy, but all colors must have the same or very   similar saturations.

Anderson, Chris J. Fortress in the mountian wastelands. Digital image. Conceptart. 

VBulletin Solutions, Inc., 2012. Web. 11 Dec. 2012.

This is saturation key because all the colors have the same or very   similar saturations.

(B) Saturation Contrast: Hues may vary but all colors must have significant contrast of saturation.

Gamecubepad. Uncharted 2 game shot. Digital image. Gamespot. CBS Interactive Inc, 2012. Web. 11 Dec. 2012

This is  saturation contrast because the colors have significant contrast of saturation.

Value Key/Value Contrast

9.         (A) Value Key: Hues may vary in this strategy, but all colors have the same or very close values.

Sce Studio Liverpool. Wipeouy Pulse Concept Art (PSP and PS2). Digital image. Umpc Portal Ultra Mobile. UMPCPortal – Portable, Mobile and Handheld Computers., n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2012

         The image has  hues may vary in this strategy, but all colors.

             (B) Value Contrast: Black (or very dark desaturated hues) contrasting with white (or very desaturated tints of diverse hues). This strategy demonstrates EXTREME contrast of value. Best example is black and white. 

Activision. CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS 2. Digital image. HD Wallpaper. HD Wallpaper, 2010-2012. Web. 12 Dec. 2012

This image show  demonstrates the strategy by showing extreme contrast of value.


Here is the next term

8.         Tetrad: Four equilateral hues from the color circle (i.e. R, O, G, B)

R.D.V. Ihadulca from Evil Zone for the Villains Contest at FGE. Digital image. 
FGE / Game Art HQ Contest Entries. Game-Art.HQ, 2011-2012. Web. 11 Dec. 2012

I use this pic because of the four color group green, red, purple, and orange.


here is the next term

 7.        Triad: Three equilateral hues from color circle (i.e. R, Y, B or O, G, V)

Activision,. Spiderman fighting a giant robot. Digital image. Video Game News and Reviews with the Occasional Sports, n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2012

This is triad becuase of the red and blue on spriderman suit and the yellow in the robot mouth and eyes

Split Complementary:

Here is the next term

6.         Split Complementary: Based on two complements: selects one hue and contrasts it with the hues on either side of its complement (i.e. R & YG/BG)

Dwilliams. An elf in the forest doing magic. Digital image. MTG Card Redo UPDATE 3/23: Color Roughs.
VBulletin Solutions, Inc, 2012. Web. 11 Dec. 2012

You can see why I used this image but the red, blue green and yellow green.


Sorry I post the wrong one this is number 4

4. Analogous: 2 or 3 neighboring hues on the color circle - a color “family”

Inafune's, Keiji. Concept Artwork from Keiji Inafune's Upcoming Nintendo 3DS Game Kaio: King of Pirates. Digital image. Q&A: Mega Man Creator Wants Japan to Admit Failure. Condé Nast, 2012. Web. 11 Dec. 2012.

I use this one because(blue,yellow and red) the blue is use on the penguin and the yellow scarves and sashes plus the red in the eyes,flag and belt.   

Complementary Dyad (Hue Contrast):

Here is the next term

5. Complementary Dyad (Hue Contrast): Opposing pair of hues from color circle

Straub, Philip. “Where Fears Roam. Digital image. [Archived Class 1] Week Three - Theories of Colour. VBulletin Solutions,Inc., 2012. Web. 11 Dec. 2012.

I used this image because the use of the complementary red and green.


Here is  the next vocab term
with two example

3.         Warm/Cool: Contrasting ‘temperatures’ of warm & cool. Emphasis is on the contrast between warm and cool achromatics: brown - gold (warm), grays - silver (cool)

example 1
          Werebear Esq. Dantes_inferno_conceptar. Digital image. Bungie, Inc, 2012. Web. 10 Dec. 2012.

example 2

The first example show the use of warm color like red,orange and yellow to give the feeling of fire like the city is burning.

The second example shows use of cool( green,blue and purple) in the image of the character is standing look on the city in the mourning you can tell by the uses of silver and green.   


Here is the  second 12 CHROMATIC STRATEGIES

2.         Achromatic: Colors that have no spectral hue - black, white, and full range of neutrals (combinations of three primaries).

An Achromatic concpt art. Digital image. Monochromatic and Achromatic Color Scheme. Xia Taptara, 2007. Web. 10 Dec. 2012.

This image is achromatic because the colors that have no spectral hue. 

p.s down on the bottom there is some achromatic cartoon. 


Hi my name is Bradley I'm going to show you in this blog that I doing for school about the 12 CHROMATIC STRATEGIES.

1.         Monochromatic: Variations of a single hue

       Robertson, Joseph. Lost:Video Game Concept Art. Digital image. Fanpop. N.p., 2007. Web. 10 Dec.     2012.

This image is a perfect example of monochromatic strategies the whole forest is drew with many variations of the hue green.